Machine learning in Endodontics: Current applications and future perspectives 

In the era of internet of things, self driving cars, and robotic vacuum cleaners; artificial intelligence made it possible for the medical, notably the dental profession to catch up with this technological revolution.

Machine learning (ML) is the field of study where computer systems can learn from data. This presentation will overview the various applications of ML in Endodontics along with highlighting the ethical considerations and data privacy concerns associated with AI integration in endodontic practice and research.


     Hend M. ABOU EL NASR  

     B.D.Sc, M.Sc, D.D.Sc  


    • November 2008 Ph.D. degree in Endodontics, thesis: "An evaluation of the  biocompatibility and the sealing ability of a newly introduced resin based obturating system." Cairo University,  EGYPT (co-supervision with Paris V (René Descartes)  University, FRANCE)  

    • December 2007 Post graduate studies, CES (Certificat d'études supérieures) in  dental biomaterial science, Université Paris V (René  Descartes), Paris, FRANCE.  

    • April 2004 M.Sc. degree in restorative dentistry, Cairo University.  Thesis: "Ability of calcium hydroxide with and without  sodium hypochlorite and EDTA to remove soft and hard  tissue debris from the root canal.An in vitro study."  

    • June 1998 BDS, Cairo University, EGYPT, with final grade “Very Good  With Honors”  


    • Faculty of Dental Surgery Paris V (René Descartes) University, Paris,  FRANCE. Co-supervision of PhD thesis, 2006 – 2008 

    Professional Experience 

    • November 2022 - present Professor, Department of Endodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Cairo University, EGYPT  

    • August 2016 - present Endodontist at Dubai Health Authority (DHA),  UAE  

    • May 2014 - August 2022 Associate Professor, Department of Endodon tics, Faculty of Dentistry, Cairo University, EGYPT  

    • September 2015 - May 2016 Acting head, department of Endodontics,  Fayoum University, EGYPT  

    • 2011 - 2013 Visiting professor of Endodontics, Beirut Arab  University , Beirut, LEBANON  

    • October 2009 — 2014 Lecturer, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine,  Future University, EGYPT  

    • March 2009 — 2014 Lecturer, Department of Endodontics, Faculty of Oral and   Dental Medicine, Cairo University, EGYPT  

    • 2006 – present Share holder and Endodontist, Esthetica Maxillofacial and Dental Hospital, 

    • 2003 – 2008 Assistant lecturer, Department of Endodontics, Faculty of   Oral and Dental Medicine, Cairo University, EGYPT  

    • 2003 – 2010 Endodontist, private clinic  

    • 2000 – 2003 Preclinical instructor and resident, Department of Endodontics,  Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, Cairo University.  

    • 1999 – 2000 Intern, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, Cairo   University. 

    Conference Presentations and Activities 

    • Verified reviewer on Web of Science (WOS)  

    • Single file instruments: Factors affecting the damaging potential on root  canal dentin  

    • Poster presentation at the 1st international congress of the Hellenic Society of En dodontics, Athens, Greece. November 2013  

    • "Is the root canal an appropriate vessel for adhesive materials?" Lecture, 5th international endodontic meeting of the Egyptian association of En dodontists, December 2008  

    • “Lasers in Endodontics”  

    • Poster, Egyptian association of oral surgeons, Marriott hotel, December 2003  Awards and prizes: 

    • Prize award for poster presentation at the 1st international congress of the Hellenic Society of Endodontics, Athens, Greece. November 2013  

    • Cairo University awards for international publications 2014, 2018, and 2019  Faculty responsibilities 

    • Former clinic director of Endodontic clinics at the department of Endodontics,  Faculty of Dentistry, Cairo University  

    • Former director of the visiting residents program at the department of Endodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Cairo University  

    Continuing Education: 

    Basic life support (BLS), Dubai Health Authority (DHA), October 2022  • Good Clinical Practice, NIDA Clinical Coordinating Center, 21st December 2020 

    • Johns Hopkins University online course “Scientific Writing”, November 2020  

    • Investigator responsibilities in clinical research, Dubai Health Authority (DHA),  October 2018 

    • Cochrane introductory author training workshop “Systematic Reviews of Inter ventions” 2015  

    • Basic life support for dentists, Esthetica Maxillofacial and Dental Hospi tal, February 2009  

    • Infection control education program, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, April 2006  


    A. ARTICLES:  

    1. Changes in root canal anatomy and NiTi instruments after the use of glycerine or EDTA- based lubricants. EDJ 2013; 59: 2891-2898.  

    2. Evaluation of the biological properties of AdSeal and Hybrid Root Seal root  canal sealers. Egyptian Dental Journal 2014; 59: 3875-3883  

    3. Dentinal damage and fracture resistance of oval roots prepared with single-file  systems using different kinematics, J Endod 2014; 40: 849 - 851  

    4. Microleakage of gutta percha and resilon used with epoxy resin sealers. A glu cose filtration investigation. Cairo Dental Journal 2013; 29: 669 - 676  

    5. Effectiveness of various disinfectants and their combinations against Enterococ cus faecalis and Candida albicans when used as intracanal medications. EDJ  2014; 60: 677 - 683  

    6. The effect of dentin pretreatment with 3 irrigating agents on the bond strength of  Hybrid Root Seal and GuttaFlow2 root canal sealers. EDJ 2014; 60: 1863 - 1869 

    7. Metallurgical and Mechanical Properties of Nickel Titanium Instruments Made  of Fire-Wire, Controlled Memory Wire, M-Wire, and Conventional Superelastic  Wires. EDJ 2014; 60: 1977 - 1984  

    8. Debris extrusion from severely curved root canals after instrumentation with  WaveOne Gold or OneShape single files. Egyptian Dental Journal 2017; 63: 53-59  

    9. Shaping ability and surface topography of WaveOne Gold and OneShape single  files. Endodontic Practice Today 2018; 12; 2:109-118  

    10. Evaluation of postoperative pain intensity following occlusal reduction in teeth  associated with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis and symptomatic apical peri odontitis: a randomized clinical study. Int Endod J 2019; 52: 288-296.  

    11. Histologic assessment of pulp response to strontium ranelate and bisphospho nates when compared to calcium hydroxide as direct pulp capping materials. An  animal study. Egyptian Dental Journal 2020; 66: 1403-1412  

    12. Post-treatment endodontic pain following occlusal reduction in mandibular  posterior teeth with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis and sensitivity to percussion:  a single-centre randomized controlled trial. Int Endod J 2020; 53: 1170-1180.  

    13. Outcome of root canal retreatment performed in single visit. A cohort retro spective study. Egyptian Dental Journal 2022; 68: 3005-3014  

    B. BOOKS:  

    1. Advanced Nanomaterials and Their Functionalization in Clinical Endodontics.  In book: Dental Applications of Nanotechnology. Springer International Pub lishing. Switzerland. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-97634  

    2. Nanotechnology in Endodontics. In book: Technical and Clinical Endodontics.  Theses: 

    Supervision of 26 theses on different endodontic topics (Titles and summaries are  available upon request). 


    Excellent communication and cross-cultural skills, speaking three lan guages: French, English, and Arabic.  

    References: zone=TopNavBar&origin=sbrowse 

